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Happy New Year!!  I hope you had a great holiday and enjoyed some time with friends and loved ones.

2014 had its ups and downs, but overall it was a great year.  One of the best things to come out of it was me getting more serious about this blog and getting to connect with some great bloggers.  I know that there are a lot of blogs out there, and I really appreciate all of your support and the fact that you have added my blog to your reading list.  

I know some people aren’t big on resolutions, but I’m a big believer in setting goals for the new year.  I’ve always read that writing down goals significantly increases the chances of you reaching your goals.  This year, I’m not just writing them down and putting them away but making them public so hopefully everyone can help hold me accountable. (Yikes!)

My mantra going into 2014 was “Say yes to everything” which led to some amazing trips (Vietnam, St. Martin), fun moments with family and friends, several interesting dates (some of which were funnier after the fact…), and new experiences.  I’m definitely going to carry that mantra into this year and am adding several more goals.

1. Put myself first.  This may sound selfish, but I l know that all of us are busier than ever and pulled into a million directions.  One thing I’ve learned over the past year is that I’m no good to anyone, including myself if I don’t take a little time to myself.  For me, this means, working out 2-3 x/week, not sacrificing sleep, and stepping away to recharge before I burnout,  not after.  I also have to get over my FOMO (fear of missing out)…

2. Build better relationships.  One of the things blogging has reinforced for me is that no one is an island.  I can’t do everything alone (and sometimes it just isn’t as much fun to do it alone!).  I’ve met several of my fellow bloggers, but I want to reach out to more and to people offline that I like/respect/want to get to know better.  I love meeting and learning from people so I think there will be a lot of coffee dates/breakfasts/lunches/drinks in my future.  I’m excited for what some of these relationships may bring!

3. Continue investing in my creative space.  You may notice some changes around here this coming year and I hope you will let me know what you think via a comment or an e-mail to  The first change is that I will be posting 5x/week (let me know if there is any content you want to see here!) and redesigning my blog.  I also hope plan to meet more of my fellow bloggers (see above), attend at least one blogger conference, and work with a few brands.

There are some other financial and work-related goals I have, some of which are a little bit of a stretch, but I’m excited to work towards them.  I’m also sharing these with my friends offline so that we can support each and work together in helping each other achieve our goals.  Bring it on 2015!

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?  What are your goals for this year?

Have you entered the $500 cash giveaway?  Get the details here.
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