




Jacket: Boutique find, similar
Turtleneck: J. Crew
Jeans: Rag & Bone
Bag: Old Navy, similar, similar
Necklace: Bauble Bar
Bracelets: Bauble Bar (here, here, here, here)
Boots: Joie, similar cheaper option

I hope your week is going well!  I’m keeping it short today as I totally thought I had a post already written and scheduled for today (you can probably tell from the imaginative title, lol!)….  I’m trying to wear these grey over the knee boots as many times as possible before it gets too warm (which doesn’t look like any time soon…).  I’ve paired them with skirts, other jeans, and dresses and am surprised at how versatile they are.  I only wish I’d bought them earlier!

What have been some of your favorite items this winter?

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Shop the post and similar items now

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